Sunday, March 1, 2009

3D Invasion Tour Update

Hey everybody,

This weekend has truly been an incredible experience for us. We were able to visit so many amazing people across the nation and experience this movie release with all of you. We are so grateful to have had this unique opportunity and will cherish this weekend forever.

Opening weekend numbers have come in, and it looks like our movie is going to come in at number two behind Medea! We also learned that this movie is the second biggest concert film opening of ALL TIME after only 1 weekend, only behind our friend Miley! It’s an absolute honor to say that we took part in both of these 3D films.

To be honest, we didn’t know what to expect going into this weekend as far as numbers go. What we found out, is how lucky we are to have the best fans ever. We loved sharing this experience with you and please know how much we appreciate all that you do to support us.

So thank you!

Kevin, Joe and Nick

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