Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big Day in London Tomorrow!

Hey everyone!

We wanted to get this out to you. Tomorrow is going to be a BIG DAY in LONDAN for the Jonas Brothers.

This is our chance to meet our fans in London.

It's nearly time…………………..time to meet the Jonas Brothers in person as they get on down to London's HMV, Oxford St. to play a live show and sign copies of their brilliant self titled debut album THIS FRIDAY (June 27). They'll be there at 6pm and if you want to be there too you'll need to be quick to get your hands on a wristband. It's first come first served to pick them up at HMV from 9am tomorrow.

It's going to be massive but if you can't be there don't panic because you can still grab a front row ride with the band on Friday by heading over to their bebo page where you'll be able to watch them live via the Kyte player as they travel around London on an open top bus for the afternoon before jumping off at HMV for the live show. Or how about showing your support by lining the bus route for them? Click here to check out a map of their journey which kicks off at 4pm tomorrow so you can see exactly where they're gonna be (and if you are coming don't forget to bring some rockin' big banners with you so the boys can see you good and proper).

Hope we see you there!

Kevin, Joe and Nick

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