Friday, September 19, 2008


Popstar! interviewed the Jonas Brothers on kissing, girls and rating their cuteness. How would you rate, 1 to 10, how cute you are? Nick: Negative 500. Joe: I’d say 6. Kevin: Yeah, 6.

What is your favorite eye color on a girl? Joe: Blue. Because the girls, like, sometimes you can see eye color, you mean like that they were? Sometimes they have a thin shadow of blue and it’s very nice.. Kevin: No, eye color! Ha ha! When they’re like brown and you almost can’t even tell what color they are. Like Danielle’s.’

Would you ever kiss a girl in front of your mom? Nick: Um, I’m not really big on public displays of affection. Joe: I think holding hands is okay, but kissing in front of your mom is kind, like, I don’t know.. would you?!

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